Matching Donations Through Dec 31, 2021 // This Might Help

For a few years now we’ve been growing a community of supporters who care about people suffering with chronic pain, but so many people are still suffering.

How do we help people with serious, debilitating symptoms heal and return to their lives? Many chronic pain patients will have success healing through mind-body medicine, but only if they’re lucky enough to hear about this type of treatment. We want to empower doctors and patients to explore treatments that don’t over-medicalize non-structural disorders, and look to other effective solutions for chronic pain. But we need your help! Your donation can help us with our continued outreach, and help us connect with even more medical schools, psychology programs, and patient groups.

We currently have a team of four - your donation would help us continue to do outreach and logistics and fund patient group screenings so that we could offer the film for free. We’re getting booked up with film screenings at medical schools and psychology programs like Rutgers, Emory School of Medicine, the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, USC’s Keck School of Medicine, AT Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Michigan State College of Human Medicine, and more.

Help us double a recent anonymous donation of $7,500! Whatever we raise up to that amount will be matched from now until December 31.

Your support goes a long way toward making our urgent work more sustainable.


Recently we had an honest and lively post screening Q&A with a chronic pain group in British Columbia, their program director and chronic pain survivor, Elaina Moss, as well as Dr. Schubiner. We talked about predictive coding, how to talk to your provider about chronic pain without being stigmatized, conversion syndrome (and how it relates to learned neural pathways), chronic Lyme disease, and many other topics. Catch the replay here:

“This is is exactly the kind of hope I needed right now.” ~ a chronic pain patient from that screening, after seeing the film.

These intimate conversations with people who care about chronic pain have been so inspiring, and we can’t wait to bring them to more people!

As always, thanks for your support.

Marion and Kent

PS: If you know of any patient groups or medical programs/ organizations that would benefit from seeing the film, or would like to organizer a screening for your community, please get in touch at